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One on One Season 2 Episode 7 Give'em an Inch, They'll Throw a Rave 2002

Arnaz and Spirit's parents have complete discipline and strict control over them, but not Breanna's. Breanna's dad completely trust her, and defends her. Breanna then decides to take this to her advantage and throw a rave at an old abandoned warehouse to raise enough money for a car. Unfortunately two teenagers mistake the rave to be at Breanna's house and Flex finds out. He then gets Spirit and Arnaz's parents to help him find their kids. Meanwhile at the rave the party gets a little wild and uncontrollable for Breanna to handle but then suddenly Method Man appears and calms down the crowd with his rap music. Arnaz's mother being the owner of the abandoned warehouse figures out where they are and Breanna gets busted. When they arrive home Flex realizes that he's too trustworthy. He tells Breanna that her little stunt made him realize that he has to be a father to her not her friend.


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